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Oziq-ovqatlarni olib ketish uchun PET qopqoqli ikki boʻlakli ovqat qutisi

mahsulot tavsifi

Sovuq va issiq taomlarni xizmat qilish uchun mukammal;

oziq-ovqat darajasidagi qog'oz, bir martalik va biodegradatsiya qilinadigan;

Yig'ish oson;

foydalanishOziq-ovqat qadoqlash (masalan, guruch, makaron, sushi, yarim suyuq va yog'li ovqatlar)
kelib chiqish joyiFujian, Xitoy
bosmachilikFlexo bosma, offset bosma
rang6 rang
qoplamaPE qoplama, PLA qoplama
sertifikatlashISO, BRC, FSC
MOQHar bir o'lcham uchun 50000 dona har bir dizayn
portSiamen, Fujian
to'lov shartlariT/T (30% depozit va 70% BL nusxasi bo'yicha)

Two compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food supplierTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food manufactureTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food supplierTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food supplierTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food manufactureTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food detailsTwo compartment lunch box with clear PET lid FOR take away food manufacture

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